20 top attractions in Marrakech


Over its more than a thousand-year history, Marrakesh has managed to visit the status of the capital of Morocco, survive the heyday, oblivion and again become one of the main cities of the country. The power here often changed, and each new dynasty brought its own vision to architecture. However, a number of objects, such as the Medina or the Koutoubia Mosque, have survived to this day.

In the last century, Marrakech began to attract Europeans. They were amazed by the local culture and measured way of life, and the guests did not remain in debt to the city. The artist Jacques Majorelle created an amazingly beautiful garden, and the Dutch anthropologist Bert Flint presented the Tisquin Museum to Moroccans, a collection of rarities from all over North Africa. Even the renowned fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent was honored by the museum for his contribution to the development of Marrakech.

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What to see and where to go in Marrakech?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.


The old part of Marrakech. Because of the color of the walls, it is called the "red city". Their height is about 10 meters, and their length is about 16 km. The total number of towers is more than 200. The streets are narrow, houses and other buildings are traditional for this area. Within the borders of the medina, there is also the Jama'a el-Fna square - the busiest part of the former Moroccan capital. Included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Jamaa el-Fna square

The main square of the city. She has many purposes. First of all, it is a huge "bitch" - this is the name of the market in Arabic. They sell everything on the square: from spices to antiques. It also hosts circus performances and displays animals. There is a stage and opportunities for mass events of any kind. Locals say: if you spend one day in Jamaa el-Fna, you can learn everything about Marrakesh.

Majorelle garden

A picturesque park surrounds the house of the painter Jacques Majorelle. The master settled in Marrakech in 1919. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and the local climate was suitable for treatment. In his spare time, Majorelle began to create a garden. The hobby has turned into a real passion. The artist communicated with botanists from different countries and bought exotic plants from all over the world. During his lifetime, the owner began to let tourists here.

Menara Gardens

They exist since the XIII century. Later, an artificial lake was dug in the center. The pavilion was built in 1870. Initially, there was a small farm on this site. The number of olive trees exceeds 30 thousand. Fish were launched into the lake. Some species jump over the water, which complements the already picturesque landscape. Picnics are allowed in the vicinity. The evening is the best time for photo shoots.

Bahia palace

It was built from the middle of the nineteenth century over the course of many years. Vizier Sidi Moussa commissioned a project for one of his wives. He periodically bought land around, so the architect had to make changes to the plan. The palace has only one floor. The reason is the extra weight of Moussa, who did not want to climb the stairs. Tourists are attracted by this labyrinth building due to its unusual appearance and interior design.

Qasr al-Badi

Construction was carried out during the life of Ahmad al-Mansur. He allocated large funds for the construction of the palace, so the best materials and expensive decorations were used. Presumably, there were about 360 rooms inside. Moulay Ismail ordered the destruction of Qasr al-Badi when Marrakesh was no longer the capital. The demolition lasted 10 years in total. Only the orange garden and fragments of the walls have survived.

Koutoubia Mosque

The largest mosque in the city. It was built in the XII century. It is known primarily for its minaret, which rises to 69 meters. Subsequently, it served as a prototype for a number of buildings, including the Hassan Tower in Rabat. The minaret is illuminated at night. The name translates as "Mosque of Booksellers". In the past, books were sold on the site in front of the entrance, and a religious library was located nearby.

Tomb of the Saadites

Sultan Ahmed al-Mansur created this tomb primarily for himself. He was buried here in 1603. Around are the graves of his associates, wives, and later other representatives of the royal house. When the government changed, the Alawites did not dare to destroy the cemetery, but surrounded it with a wall. Nothing was known about the tomb until 1917. Then she was discovered by a French expedition.

Ben Yusef Madrasah

The Islamic educational institution was built in the XIV century. It not only retained its appearance, but the religious life of the city is still being built around it. The name of the madrasah was given by the neighboring mosque. The complex covers an area of ​​1.7 thousand square meters. There is a large swimming pool in the yard. Through it, the road leads to the main prayer hall. The paths and floors are covered with marble or mosaics.

Markets of Marrakech

Markets for Morocco are part of the national culture. Marrakech has been famous for them since ancient times. There are highly specialized ones, for example, grocery ones, but most are universal. So Bab-Dukkala street is filled with smells of spices and shops with products of local craftsmen. The largest "bitch" is the Djemaa el-Fna square. It is divided into several parts, where they sell carpets, grandmothers, and antiques.

Marrakech Museum

Occupies the Dar-Menebhi Palace. The collection is dedicated to the culture and history of the city, as well as the entire Morocco and surrounding regions. Ancient books, relics, religious objects, ceramics, jewelry are the basis of the collection. Unique exhibits - the Qur'an of the XII century and a Sufi prayer book. In recent years, the exposition has been complemented with modern products by local craftsmen. Temporary exhibitions of artists, photographers and sculptors are held.

Yves Saint Laurent Museum

Opened in 2018. A special building was built for the museum. French architects relied on the designer's archives and tried to combine straight and curved lines when designing. Yves Saint Laurent first visited Marrakech in 1966. He was involved in saving the Majorelle garden. The exposition is dedicated to the fashion designer, but there are also temporary exhibitions. The cafe next to it resembles Saint Laurent's workshop in design.

House of photography

Opened in the old part of the city in 2009. The exhibition is made up of photographs covering the period from the 1870s to the 1950s. The building where the collection is located was in the past a hotel for traders and travelers. It was restored and more than 4500 photos were placed here. They depict the history of Morocco. Photographers tried to capture both traditional nuances for the country and unusual things.

Museum Dar Si Said

Opened to visitors in 1934. It was originally built as the residence of the brother of the vizier, Ba Ahmed. The walls of the palace are thick and high, which is typical of local architecture. It is surrounded by an Andalusian garden with a fountain in its center. The collection of the museum is the cultural treasure of Morocco: pottery, antique clothes, Berber jewelry, fixtures from the past, furniture made from valuable species of trees.

Tiskiwyn Museum

Occupies an old building located between the palaces of Dar Si Said and Bahia. The exposition was collected by the anthropologist from Holland Bert Flint. He settled in Marrakech in 1957 and began to organize the artifacts collected throughout the region. Exhibits - handmade carpets, jewelry, Berber clothing, art objects. They tell the story of the city, but also of the whole of North Africa.

Jewish cemetery Miaara

Dated to the 17th century. Refers to the Jewish Quarter. The streets are narrow nearby, and the buildings are located close to each other. The cemetery itself is remote from tourist routes. It is easy to miss: a high wall separates the territory from the road.The caretakers can easily let the interested ones into the cemetery, however, some norms of behavior must be observed when examining old tombstones.

Marrakech station

The first station was built on this site in 1923. In 2008, a new building was opened nearby, just opposite the Royal Palace. In the architectural plan of the station, national traditions were taken into account, the design is full of details. On the territory there are not only recreation areas, but also cafes with shops. At the moment, this station is the southern terminus of the railway network throughout the country.

Cyberpark Arsat-Moulay-Abdeslam

One of the oldest parks in the city was laid out in the 18th century. Already in our time, they decided to remake it and add more technical innovations. Multimedia terminals were set up throughout the territory. Wi-Fi covers the entire park. If you wish, you can use a specially designed virtual guide to the park. In addition, there is a function of remote sightseeing of the city.

Oasiria Water Park

Extensive entertainment area for the whole family. The water park invites guests to visit restaurants for all tastes or do fitness. 8 pools are available to visitors all year round. Some have rides. For nature lovers, about 10 hectares of gardens have been planted. They contain exotic plants. There are special nightly shows. Theatrical performances are organized on major holidays.

Ouzud waterfall

It is located about 150 km from the city in the High Atlas Mountains. The translation of the name is "olive trees". This type of vegetation covers the slopes. Height - 110 meters. The waterfall has three cascades. You can come close to it, and the peculiarity of the location allows you to look down at the falling water. At sunset, monkeys, already accustomed to the dominance of tourists, come out to the Ouzud to drink.


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