15 best resorts in Cambodia


Cambodia is an organic synthesis of the wonders of nature and the ancient history of mankind, embodied in the amazing monuments of the ancient Khmer civilization. But these are also the resorts of Cambodia with modern infrastructure and a rich variety of leisure activities that meet the most demanding demand. Fruit abundance, delicious cuisine, the friendliness of the locals are a nice bonus of staying in Cambodia. The virgin nature with crystal waterfalls, the famous lake with a floating village, impenetrable jungle, unique fauna and magnificent beaches have made the once war-torn country attractive to tourists. But before traveling to this exotic land, it is worth worrying about vaccinations against hepatitis, encephalitis, etc.

Siem Reap

Located in the northwest of Cambodia, the city is considered the gateway to the country's ancient capital, Angkor. Once the largest spiritual and cultural center of the Khmer Republic was built up with majestic palaces and temples - unsurpassed examples of amazing wooden architecture. Now it is a tourist site protected by UNESCO. Many people choose Siem Reap to get closer to Angkor (6 km) and see the unique monument. The local airport of international importance receives aircraft from many Asian countries.

Siem Reap (translated from Khmer meaning "victory over the Siam") is located on both banks of the river of the same name, a narrow ribbon winding through the city. Every year the city is rapidly developing as a modern resort with many good hotels, restaurants, various food stalls, pizzerias and bars. In addition to Angkor, tourists are given the opportunity to explore other, no less interesting sights directly in Siem Reap and its environs.


The young resort of Sihanoukville acquired this status only in the 90s of the last century, and until that time the city served as a convenient port, built by the French in 1955-60. Today it is the main beach resort of not only Cambodians, but also foreigners. Clean sandy beaches and the sea, low prices attract Russian tourists who want to relax in solitude.

These are mainly those who like to travel on their own, without vouchers. It is the possibility of cheap beach activities, the absence of crowds of tourists, local exoticism that is the main incentive to visit Sihanoukville (lion's jaw). The choice of beaches, significantly different from each other, is quite large here. Among them there are crowded, "party" ones, with the appropriate infrastructure, many restaurants, bars, hotels.

An example of such a beach is Serendipity, where day and night life is in full swing, and cheap alcohol is sold. But the flip side of this is the lack of perfect cleanliness, a lot of rubbish (from reviews) Whoever doesn't like the noise and the crowd can find quiet, calm coastal areas with beautiful views - the beaches of Otres, Sokha, for example. Interesting to visit are the local islands, the Ream National Park, filled with exoticism.

Phnom Penh

The city of contrasts, embodying the unique religious traditions of the past and modern development trends, makes a double impression on tourists. Here you can admire ancient palaces, Buddhist temples with golden statues of Buddha, luxurious hotels in tourist districts of the metropolis and resent the dirty, littered streets of the outskirts.

To leave with a positive attitude, you need to devote your stay to exploring the stunning sights of Phnom Penh. Undoubtedly, everyone will like the national cuisine of tropical products and seafood, a selection of various souvenirs. The magnificent Royal Palace, more precisely, the palace complex, is very impressive here.

In addition to the main building, it includes the Silver Pagoda, Napoleon's Villa, the emerald Buddha statue, and the Golden Tower. Each of these objects is a real architectural and sculptural masterpiece. Interesting for tourists to visit is the Wat Phnom hill with a beautiful park located on it, in which a temple of the same name is open. The hill and the temple are considered sacred for Cambodians - from here, according to legend, the city began. The best time to travel to Phnom Penh is October-December.


The second largest Cambodian city after the capital, Battambang, has long become a tourist Mecca for lovers of Asian exoticism. Coming here, you are immediately transported to a completely different colonial era. The architectural appearance of Battambang has preserved the features of French colonialism, captivating with its authenticity. The atmosphere of cute provincialism is especially attractive to those who are fed up with the urbanism of large metropolitan areas, and are happy to plunge into the life of ordinary Cambodians.

There are not so many "cool" hotels here, the tourism industry is still underdeveloped in comparison with the promoted resorts. There are no gambling, drinking and entertainment establishments. Quietly measured contemplation of local attractions, excursions around the surroundings are the main occupation of the guests. There is also no beach holiday as such, so they usually come here for 3-4 days, imbued with the special atmosphere of the Asian province.


If you want to find yourself in a corner of Cambodia, practically devoid of civilization, visit Banlung - a small town (17 thousand inhabitants) in the northern province of Rattanariri. It is surrounded on all sides by villages, rainforests, lakes and waterfalls. A dirt road still leads to it, not completely asphalted. But infrastructural work here has revived with the increased interest of tourists in recent years.

The surrounding flora, full of exotic charm, pleases with wonders at every step: rubber trees, oil palms, cashew nut bushes, etc. From Phnom Penh you can get to Banlung by 8-seater plane, taxi or regular bus. The road is quite long, and it is not easy to drive on bad roads for almost 600 km. But the impressions that await everyone here will pay off the red tape. A visit to the villages of the Khmer mountain tribes, acquaintance with their life, crafts opens up a completely different world for Europeans.

A visit to the Yaklom crater lake, which is considered sacred by local residents, will be remembered. A tourist path leads from the town to it, furnished with souvenir shops selling original products of local craftsmen. A great impression is made by the Wat Ratanyaram temple with a reclining statue of Buddha. Popular tourist sites include picturesque waterfalls, the Boker dragstone mine and elephant villages.


The southeastern Cambodian province, washed by the waters of the Gulf of Thailand, is famous for its picturesque nature, excellent beaches and ancient attractions. The administrative center of the province - the city of the same name is located along the banks of the Tuk Chhou River, 5 km from the bay. This is a popular tourist attraction where people come to see the architectural and religious monuments of the past.

Here is the dead city of Bokor Hill Station, built for the French aristocracy and abandoned after the liberation of Cambodia from colonial dependence. Excursions are organized to the cave temple (10 km from the city) - an amazing man-made underground. Bokor National Park is located 8 km from Kampot, where a modern track is laid today. It contains a natural wonder - the 2-tiered Popokvil Waterfall, impressive in its power.

The Black Palace, which once belonged to the King of Sihanouk, is of constant interest of tourists. Many make pilgrimages to the Sampov Pram Buddhist temple in the early 19th century. An inexpressibly beautiful panorama opens from the neighboring ledge, which serves as an observation platform.Popular excursions include a trip to the black pepper plantations, where you can buy chemically pure peppers, turmeric and other spices. It is a pleasure to visit the Arcadia water park (7 km away) with many attractions and entertainment.

Koh Rong

This jungle-covered island 25 km from Sihanoukville is considered by many to be paradise. Here, in the depths of the jungle, the French and Americans filmed the reality show "The Last Hero". Australians like to come here on vacation. Everyone is attracted by wonderful sandy beaches (23) with different colors of sand, virgin nature, picturesque views and the good nature of local residents. The purest warm, like fresh milk, the sea, fine as flour, sand that is white, then gold, then pink create a paradise picture.

On all beaches there are inexpensive cafes, bars, eateries where you can taste seafood dishes. Staying on Rong will please tourists who are not spoiled by luxury hotels, who are content with more modest accommodation in the form of bungalows and small houses. There are many young tourists among tourists who are attracted by wildlife, fishing, tranquility, the opportunity to relax. Local cafes with cheap alcohol in the evenings in high season are packed to capacity.

Koh Kong

An exotic land of untouched nature with unique flora and fauna, fantastic views, enchanting beaches and clear waters of the Gulf of Thailand - Koh Kong province. It has only recently begun to be mastered by leisure tourists looking for ecologically clean places that have not yet been spoiled by civilization. The eponymous city of the province and at the same time its administrative center, Koh Kong, is the main resort in which the infrastructure is rapidly developing.

It is located near the border with Thailand, so Thais are frequent visitors to the casino here. The natural adornment of these places is the Cardamom Mountains, which are extremely picturesque. Many waterfalls, dense tropical thickets, rare species of animals and birds that live here give a lot of thrilling impressions. Tourists are not recommended to walk in the forest on their own due to the presence of predators in them. And in order to avoid encounters with crocodiles, it is forbidden to swim in local rivers.

But there are no restrictions on relaxing on the wonderful beaches and swimming in the sea. Diving schools are open here - the local underwater world is unusually diverse and beautiful. Gambling fishermen get full satisfaction from fishing with a rich catch. There are many small private hotels in the city offering very cheap but good service.


A small island in the turquoise of the Gulf of Thailand is a private-owned Mirax Resort with one hotel. This is a beautiful tropical oasis with incredibly beautiful flora, white sandy beaches washed by clear waters. The once completely deserted island today has become a popular place for interesting, active recreation. Ko-Dec-Kul is located 4 km from Sihanoukville, from where boats depart. According to tourists, here is a real paradise, in which the pristine nature is successfully combined with luxurious consumer services, old legends coexist with incredible adventures.

The luxurious hotel has only 12 rooms, so there is no crowding on the island. Lovers of sunbathing on the beach, no one bothers to enjoy relaxation. Fans of active leisure will find a lot of entertainment here: water skiing, paragliding, snorkeling, day and night diving with the participation of experienced instructors. Courses with teaching in Russian and English are open for beginner athletes. Divers explore coral reefs and ancient shipwrecks. Daredevils participate in extreme excursions into the jungle after special training.


The southern Cambodian town, which in the past earned fame as an elite resort for the French and local nobility, suffered significant destruction during the civil war. The once beautiful architectural masterpieces, luxurious villas and gardens have practically been erased from the face of the city. Local authorities are now striving to regain the status of a luxury resort. The surviving villas and public buildings are being actively reconstructed, hotels are being built. Kep's symbol - crab is sold everywhere here, there is a separate crab market, where they can cook it immediately upon request.

This is the main commodity thanks to which the local population survives. As a token of gratitude to the arthropod - the blue crab - a monument is erected on the shore. Nearby on the pedestal is a statue of an Asian woman gazing into the sea - a symbol of expectation. Tourists make excursions to the national park with amazing flora and fauna, with a tropical butterfly farm. Many visit the caves with sanctuaries, the palace of King Sihanouk. Walking through the mangrove and banana groves, snorkeling and fishing are a pleasure.

Ko Russey

Bamboo Island Russay, belonging to the Riem National Park, is located 20 km from Sihanoukville. It is all covered with lush tropical vegetation. Bamboo, mangrove, banana groves, wide beaches with white sand, exotic fauna organically fit into the unique ecosystem. Here you are imbued with the atmosphere of spirituality of nature, you merge with it, forgetting about the benefits of civilization. Sailing on narrow-nosed boats among the mangroves, communicating with the good-natured inhabitants of local villages is a great pleasure.

Active rest on the beaches is provided by rental offices of equipment for water sports. The purity of the sand is strictly controlled; every evening the beach is carefully cleaned. Local hotels organize fishing trips, visits to ancient pagodas and many activities. Guided tours in the jungle, boat trips. Reviews of tourists about hotels in Roussea are filled with delight: excellent service, impeccable service, luxurious rooms. Here is a truly paradise vacation.

Sun Neil

The little island is often called Magic because when you come here you find yourself in a magical kingdom of beauty and peace. Mind-blowing landscapes make you freeze with delight, the blessed silence sets you up for lazy measured rest. The state of bliss covers the whole being, and you completely immerse yourself in the world of tropical nature. Beaches with fine white sand, pure turquoise of the sea with a calm surface cannot but admire here.

It is especially liked by romantic natures who do not pretend to great comfort and nightlife. On Sun Neil, you can stay in bungalows, which are quite acceptable conditions of stay. The beachfront restaurant hosts romantic evenings. Seafood dishes, good wine, music program brighten up the evenings. Gambling fishing, diving by coral reefs, walks along palm alleys, swimming and the beach are included in the tourist leisure program.

Koh Tang

One of the largest islands in Cambodia, Ko Tang (Legends Island), indeed has a legendary past. It is located on the border with Vietnam and has served as a haven for Vietnamese smugglers for many years. In the local convenient caves, they hid their goods, and the Khmers christened Koh Tang the island of smugglers. This natural pearl of the Gulf of Thailand attracts tourists with its unique natural environment with an amazing landscape. Majestic rock ledges embrace the coast in necklaces, forming grottoes and caves.

The richest tropical flora is represented by almost all kinds of exotic fruits: coconuts, bananas, mangoes, pineapples, dates, etc. The underwater world around Ko Tang is also unusually rich, which attracts divers here. There are no snakes or predatory animals to be feared here. A river with hot springs flows along the island, there is also a thermal lake. There are many tiny charming islands around, where excursions on old long-nosed boats are organized.

Ko Pring

3 small islands during the Vietnam War with the Americans were the firing point of the Vietnamese, placing their machine guns and cannons on them.Prince was repeatedly bombed and burned with napalm by the Americans. The memory of the terrible time still lives here, but this does not prevent it from being a picturesque popular tourist attraction about you. The largest of the islands is home to a fishermen's village and sandy beaches.

On the other island - Koh Moan, the beaches are rocky, surrounded by trees. The 3rd island is completely rocky, it is called naked. They are all considered the best diving and fishing destinations in Cambodia. The water around is so transparent that you can see everything at a depth of 20 m. At the dive sites, there are boulders at the bottom covered with hard and soft corals. It is home to a huge number of diverse marine fauna: several species of sharks, various fish, moray eels, cuttlefish and molluscs. Diving in the anemones garden with its many marine life is especially exciting.

Ko Damlong

Located 60 km from mainland Cambodia, the island became known to the whole world in connection with the scandal associated with the Russian businessman Sergei Polonsky. His plans to build a respectable resort on Damlong were thwarted by his arrest and deportation to Russia. This natural artifact has only recently become a place of tourist pilgrimage, so everything here has been preserved in its original form. Virgin jungle with relict trees, clear sea, huge boulders on the shores, exotic fauna create a fantastic picture.

But civilization has already left its traces on a mysterious piece of land. There are comfortable air-conditioned bungalows, a restaurant with a bar and 3 meals a day. There are small cheap houses located right in the jungle. Usually they come here for 2-3 days to swim in the azure waves, sunbathe, walk around the island. Snorkeling with masks will allow you to see a unique marine fauna not found elsewhere.

Resorts of Cambodia on the map


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