Niagara Falls


Discovered back in the 17th century by the explorer father Louis Ennepin, Niagara Falls has been known to everyone since school. Therefore, everyone who happens to visit the United States or Canada seeks to visit the most important attraction, belonging to two countries at once, and see this miracle of nature with his own eyes.

American Falls and Veil Falls

Each of the three streams that make up Niagara Falls proper is distinguished by its name and size. From the American side, you can observe the water stream, called the American Falls, and falling from a height of 21 meters, the width of which is 323 meters. Fata waterfall, separated from it by a small island, may not be distinguished by its impressive size, but it attracts tourists with its unusual beauty, resembling a wedding dress.

Horseshoe Falls

Most often, tourists tend to admire the 50-meter wide Horseshoe Falls. The width of the falling water streams in it is 792 meters. Looking at the seething gigantic stream, it is difficult to imagine that in 1848 a huge mass of falling water suddenly stopped, and pedestrians and horsemen easily moved along the Niagara bed for thirty hours.

After a short lull, the rumbling streams of water again filled the river and the most powerful waterfall came to life. The surprising phenomenon was explained quite simply. Huge blocks of ice melting in spring accumulated on Lake Erie and blocked the path of Niagara.

Observation Decks

More than 12 million tourists from all over the world seek to admire the grandiose waterfall. Most people prefer to contemplate the huge streams of water rushing down from the Canadian coast. Therefore, they stop in the Canadian city of Niagara Falls, located directly at the waterfall. At any time of the year, a visit to the waterfall will be appropriate. Summer, fall, winter and spring add their own unique charm to Niagara and the surrounding countryside.

An amazing breathtaking panorama opens from the observation platforms of the Skylon Tower to the most powerful Horseshoe Falls in terms of the volume of falling waters. Most tourists looking to admire Niagara Falls prefer these safest viewpoints. A particularly beautiful sight opens up from here at night, when the spectacular lighting is turned on.

Why the waterfall was named Niagara

Many scientists are inclined to believe that the word "Niagara" is translated as "thunder of the waters." Obviously, this name did not appear by chance. After all, the rumble of falling water can be heard many kilometers from the waterfall itself. Often, approaching it, you can even hear the rumble of real thunder. In clear weather, tourists see an extraordinary natural phenomenon. Several rainbows, formed in the rays of the sun, often intersect and are in one another.

Conservation of the waterfall

Over the entire 12.5 thousand years of its existence, the waterfall has moved 11 km from its original position due to the intensive erosion of its edge. As a result of these destructive processes, a canyon of rather impressive size was formed here. In order to preserve the waterfall and stop erosion, a number of engineering works were carried out. In addition, behind a curtain of falling water, a tunnel was built, through which lovers of extreme sensations and those wishing to observe the water curtain from the inside strive to walk.

In the twentieth century, the intensity of erosion processes decreased significantly, since in the region of powerful watercourses, both in the United States and in Canada, cascades of power plants were built. It is not for nothing that a monument to Nikola Tesla was erected at Niagara Falls. Thanks to the proposal of this famous physicist inventor, the energy of the waterfalls is used to generate electricity.

Extreme entertainment

In the recent past, enterprising adventurers, seeking profit, began to equip hotels near the raging streams of water and look for various opportunities to attract more tourists. So in 1827, the owners of nearby hotels united and, for the amusement of the public, arranged a voyage around Niagara of the abandoned schooner Michigan with wild animals and one goose on board.

At the Horseshoe Falls, the schooner began to sink. The bears and the goose escaped safely, while other animals perished. This terrible sight was watched by 10 thousand people. Since then, a tradition has emerged to compete with the power of a waterfall, sailing across Niagara and flirting with death. Many daredevils in pursuit of glory managed to survive safely after such an adventure, and many madmen were swallowed up by the waters of Niagara.

Among extreme entertainment, one should give preference to an exciting boat trip to the foot of the waterfall. For those wishing to observe the seething falling streams from a bird's eye view, there is an opportunity to purchase an aerial tour over Niagara. In addition, one can witness the performance of tightrope walkers crossing the river on a high rope.

What to see in the vicinity

There is also a lot to see in the vicinity of the waterfall. After all, 19 species of gulls fly over Niagara, and in the nearby greenhouse you can see 50 species of butterflies. In the local botanical garden, you can tell the time by the world's largest flower clock, created from 6 thousand plants.

In Niagara Falls, it is worth seeing celebrity wax figures at one of the two respective museums or sample the "Haunted House". The unique landscape of the surroundings of the waterfall attracts not only tourists. Many Superman and Niagara viewers will easily recognize the stunning views of Niagara Falls in these films.

Interesting articles:

  • Horse Tail Falls, USA
  • Eternal Flame Falls, New York, USA
  • Wall of Tears: Honokohau Falls in Hawaii, USA
  • Lake Louise in Canada
  • The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

A unique creation of nature requires a careful attitude towards itself. Therefore, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the United States and Canada signed an agreement on joint activities aimed at protecting these unique waterfalls in North America.

Niagara Falls on the map

Recommended for viewing: Eternal Flame Waterfall, USA.


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